Life in Ketchikan

by Avaka Arntzen

The USA average is 39 days of solid rain in Ketchikan, AK. There are 100 sunny days in Ketchikan, on average. The population of Ketchikan is 8,272 (2017). Ketchikan’s history dates back to 1882, when a man named Snow built a salmon saltery. Two years later, businessmen from Portland, Oregon hired a man, Mike Martin to investigate possibilities of building a Salmon Cannery on the banks of Ketchikan Creek.

Ketchikan is best known for three things; feisty salmon, idyllic scenery, and incredibly rich Alaska Native Culture. Seattle, Washington is 78.9% more expensive than Ketchikan. The cost of living in Ketchikan is about $249,100.

The five islands of Ketchikan are Revillagigedo, Gravina, Annette, Pennock, and Betton. Ketchikan is named after Ketchikan Creek, which flows through the town. Ketchikan comes from the Tlingit name for Creek. Alaska is one of the only two States that does NOT have counties. Ketchikan is the salmon capital of the world. The current Mayor is Lew Williams III (Since 2009). The current Borough Mayor is David Landis.

Real Estate Resources

Here are a few Real Estate resources around the community of Ketchikan.

Rental Resources
Privately listed homes and apartments.

Facebook Ketchikan Home Search
Owner listed local properties.

Facebook – Ketchikan ApartmentCycle
Owner listed local properties.

Alaska Travelers Accommodations
Vacation property rentals.

Home Inspectors

Community Resources

Here’s a quick guide to some resources, opportunities, and events around Ketchikan.

Education Opportunities

Alaska Housing & Finance Corporation
Offering classes in Juneau & Sitka.

Contact: Maude Morse, CMI
Outreach Specialist II, Mortgage Operations
Direct: 907-330-8461 | Cell: 907-360-1595
Address: P.O. Box 101020 | Anchorage, Alaska 99510

Community Resources

Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce
Great local business and relocation information.

Ketchikan Gateway Borough Parks and Recreation Center
Local swimming pool and sports facilities information and schedule.

Ketchikan Gateway Borough Planning Department
Title 18 zoning guidelines.

Ketchikan Visitors Bureau
Ketchikan travel information.

Alaska Travelers Accommodations
Independent accommodations in Ketchikan.

Employment Resources

Finding a Job in Alaska
Do’s and don’ts of job searching in Alaska.

Ketchikan Daily News Classifieds
Ketchikan job listings.
Privately listed employment opportunities.

Arts Community

Ketchikan Arts and Humanities Council
Local Ketchikan arts.

First City Players
Community performing arts organization.

Ketchikan Theater Ballet
Ballet and dance for all ages.

Local Events

Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce
Community calendar of events.

Group Services

SAIL (Southeast Alaska Independent Living)
Empowering elders and people with disabilities.

Community Connections
Supporting Community from early learning through senior services.

Ketchikan Youth Initiatives
Local skate park and paintball club.